Profilo biografico
Michael Kaethler è un sociologo del design il cui lavoro si concentra sulla trasmissione, produzione e incarnazione della conoscenza nell’arte e nelle pratiche orientate al design. Ha ricoperto una serie di posizioni diverse, da ricercatore sui diritti umani in contesti di conflitto e post-conflitto, curatore, educatore di design e scrittore, che hanno portato a una vasta gamma di pubblicazioni in letteratura sia scientifica che orientata alla pratica. Tra I suoi libri più recenti“Social Matter, Social Design” (2020) e “The Auto-ethnographic Turn in Design” (2021). Kaethler è attualmente è un affiliato di ricerca nell’unità Pianificazione e Sviluppo (P&D) del Dipartimento di Architettura, KU Leuven (BE) dove esplora la sovrapposizione di diritti, design e innovazione sociale. È inoltre Docente di Antropologia del design all’Università degli studi della Republica di San Marino dove tiene corsi che insegnano a ridisegnare i metodi antropologici. Ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca in Architettura, un M.Eng in Human Settlements e un M.A in Slavistica. Vive in Italia dove sperimenta progetti agricoli e gioca con i suoi tre figli selvaggi.
Schouwenberg, L., and Kaethler, M., (eds.) (forthcoming 2021) The Auto-Ethnographic
Turn in Design, Valiz press, Amsterdam.
Boelen, J., and Kaethler, M.,(eds.) (2020) Social Matter, Social Design, Valiz press,
Scientific Journal Articles
Kaethler M. (2019). Curating creative communities of practice: the role of ambiguity.
Journal of Organization Design (8:10)
Kampelmann S., Kaethler M., Vickery Hill A. (2018). Curating complexity: An artful
approach for real-world system transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal
Transitions, 27, 59-71.
Kaethler M., De Blust S., Devos T. (2017). Ambiguity as agency: critical opportunists in the
neoliberal city. CoDesign, 13 (3), 175-186.
Book Chapters (Relevant)
Kaethler, M. (2021). Dancing dirty on the fringes: the auto-ethnographic turn in design. In:
The auto- ethnographic turn in design, (48-60). Valiz press. ISBN: 9789493246041.
Kaethler, M., Schouwenberg, L. (2021). The auto-ethnographic turn in design. In: The
auto-ethnographic turn in design, (12-24). Valiz press.
Kaethler, M. (2021). Towards intrinsic value: the production of the self in relation to the
other. Conversation with Hicham Khalidi. In: The auto- ethnographic turn in design,
(48-60). Valiz press.
Kaethler, M. (2021). The self and the other: a psychoanalytical reading of autoethnographic
design. Conversation with Ben Shai van der Wal. In: The auto- ethnographic
turn in design.
Kaethler, M. (2021). Honest, small scale, poetic and symbolic: understanding the world by
starting with the personal. Conversation with Timo de Rijk. In: The auto- ethnographic turn
in design.
Kaethler, M. (2021). A matter of terminology: the self as a site for research. Conversation
with Oli Stratford. In: The auto- ethnographic turn in design, (48-60). Valiz press. ISBN:
Kaethler M., Calderon P., (2020) Bourgeois. In Staszowski E., Tassanari V., Design in Dark
Times: an Arendtian Lexicon, Bloomsbury Press, London.
Kaethler, M., Boelen, J. (2020). Social Matter, Social Design. In: Boelen, J., and Kaethler,
M., (Eds.), Social Matter, Social Design, (11-27). Valiz.
Kaethler, M. (2020). Doubts and dilemmas: A dialogue between Social Design mentors. In:
Boelen, J., and Kaethler, M., (Eds.), Social Matter, Social Design, (11-27). Valiz.
Kaethler, M. (2020). All design is social. In Boelen, J., and Kaethler, M., (Eds.), Social
Matter, Social Design, (11-27). Valiz.
Kaethler, M., (2019) Communities of Practice: Communicating the Inarticuleable, in (eds)
Van den Broeck, P., Mehmood, A., Paidakaki, A., Parra, C. ’Social Innovation as Political
Transformation. Thoughts for a Better World’. Edward Elgar Publishing.
De Blust S., Devos T., Kaethler M., Heynen H., (2019) Ambiguïteit als strategie: kritische
praktijken in de neoliberale stad, Dialogen over ruimte, planning en ontwerp in Vlaanderen
en Brussel. University of Leuven Press.
Kaethler M. (2018). Beyond Ideological Naivety and Do-Goodism: Critical Reflections on
Social Design. In: Schouwenberg L., Grootens J. (Eds.), Questioning Design. Design
Academy Eindhoven.
Kaethler M., Golchehr S. (2017). Correlation is Dismantling our Urban Narratives: A
Lament and a Plea. In: Bertoletti E., Daam H., Piredda F., Tassinari V. (Eds.), The Pearl
Diver: The designer as Story Teller. Desis, Milano.
Kaethler M. (2017). The Curator as Hermes: a mediator between knowledge worlds. In:
Hamers D., Bueno de Mesquita N., Vaneycken A., Schoffelen J. (Eds.), Trading Places:
Practices of Public Participation in Art and Design Resesarch. Barcelona: DPR Barcelona.
Kaethler M., Krzys Acord S. (2017). Thinking with Curating: an Interview with Sophia Krzys
Acord by Michael Kaethler. In: Hamers D., Bueno de Mesquita N., Vaneycken A.,
Schoffelen J. (Eds.), Trading Places: Practices of Public Participation in Art and Design
Resesarch. Barcelona: DPR Barcelona.
Kaethler, M. (2017). Lexicon Curating. In: D. Hamers, N. Bueno de Mesquita, A.
Vaneycken, J. Schoffelen (Eds.), Trading Places: Practices of Public Participation in Art
and Design Research, Barcelona: DPR Barcelona.
Kaethler, M. (2016). Please Mind the Suburbs. In: V. Louisa (Eds.), “In the Future We
Won’t Talk about Suburbia Anymore”, (24-28). Lochristi : Vermoere.