UNIRSM Design Persone Karen Venturini

Karen Venturini



Orario di ricevimento

Mercoledì 9.30 – 11.30

Profilo biografico

Nata a Roma nel 1968, si laurea in Economia e Commercio presso l’Università degli Studi di Bologna nel 1993 e ottiene, l’anno dopo, una borsa di studio dall’Università degli Studi di San Marino per il riordino del sistema contabile e gestionale della pubblica amministrazione sammarinese. Consegue il dottorato di ricerca in ingegneria gestionale bandito presso il Dipartimento di Economia e Tecnologia dell’Università di San Marino (XII ciclo). Nel 2009 vince il concorso per professore assistente del Dipartimento di Economia e Tecnologia e nel 2013 è visiting professor presso l’Indian Institute of Science di Bangalore.  Dal 2014 al 2016 è membro del Senato Accademico dell’Università e delegata dal Rettore sia come rappresentante di ateneo per i rapporti con l’India sia per la promozione e valorizzazione dei progetti innovativi. Nel 2017 è incaricata dalla Segreteria di Stato alla Cultura, l’Università e la Ricerca Tecnologica di coordinare il progetto di implementazione di una rete nazionale per l’innovazione. Partecipa, in qualità di relatore, a diversi convegni nazionali ed internazionali ed è autore di pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche internazionali. Svolge, in collaborazione con l’Università di Padova, l’Università di Tel Aviv, il National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology of Tokyo, l’Indian Institute of Science, l’Università Luiss di Roma attività di ricerca nell’area “Gestione dell’Innovazione” “Trasferimento Tecnologico”, “Innovazione design-driven” e “Nuove tecnologie per il fashion”.


Agostini, L., Nosella A. and Venturini K. (2017), “SME strategic networks: how to achieve the commitment of partners” in the 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Knowledge Management in the 21st century: resilence, creativity and co-creation, San Petesburg, Russia, 7-9 June 2017
D’Amelio, E. and Venturini K. (2017), “Performance and Exchange Knowledge in film co- productions: learning from the documentary Michel Petrucciani”, in the Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies Conference, Innovations and Tensions, Italian Cinema and Media in a Global World, The American University of Rome, 9-10 June 2017
Venturini, K. and Verbano C. (2016), Open innovation in public sector: research-based spin-offs resources and performance, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 23, No. 6

Peruzzi, G., Forcellini, D., Venturini, K. Albarello, D. (2017), “Ambient vibrations applied to San
Marino historical buildings survey”, In the 6th World Conference on Earthquake, 16WCEE 2017, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th 2017

Peruzzi, G., Forcellini, D., Venturini, K. Albarello, D. (2016), “Seismic characterization of historical buildings in San Marino Republic from ambient vibration monitoring,” International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), Volume 2, Issue 7, Pages 95-102

Petroni G. Verbano C. and Venturini, K. (2015), “Determinants and Catalysts in Intra-firm Technology Transfer: Learning from Case Studies”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Vol 10, No 1

Verbano C., Wasser A., Lincoln M. and Venturini K. (2014), “Resource management at academic spinoffs: analysis of Israeli case studies”, in the 18th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference & Exhibition Proceedings, Tel-Aviv Israel 25-26 March 2014

Verbano C., Wasser A., Lincoln M, Venturini K. (2013), “Managing resources in the generation and development of research based spinoffs: evidences from Israeli ICT cases.”, in Technology Transfer to Society Annual Conference, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness, Bergamo, November 8-9th 2013

Venturini K. and Verbano C. (2014), “A systematic review of the space technology transfer literature: research synthesis and emerging gaps”, Space Policy, Vol. 30, No.2, pp 98-114 (IF=0.500), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.spacepol.2014.04.003

Crema M., Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2014), “Linking strategy with open innovation and performance in SMEs”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 14 – 27

Venturini K., Verbano C. and Matsumoto M. (2013), “Space Technology Transfer: Spin-off Cases from Japan”, Space Policy, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 49–57

Venturini, K. and Verbano C. (2013), “Space technology transfer: a systematic literature review”, In 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proceedings, September 19-20, Brussels, Vol. 2, pp. 613-622, Academic Conferences International Limited

Verbano C., Venturini, K. and Wasser A. (2013), “The Evolution of Resources in Research based Spinoffs: Learning from a Case Study”, In 8th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Proceedings, September 19-20, Brussels, Vol. 2, pp. 623-632, Academic Conferences International Limited

Verbano C., Crema M., Venturini, K. (2013), “The identification and characterization of open innovation profiles in Italian SMEs”, Journal of Small Business Management

Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2013). Managing Risks in SMEs: a Literature Review and Research Agenda, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, Vol. 8, p. 186-197, ISSN: 0718-2724
Venturini K., Verbano C., Bron A. (2013), “Openness and innovation: an empirical analysis in firms located in the Republic of San Marino”, International Journal of engineering, Science and Technology, p.60-70

Verbano C., Crema M., Venturini K. (2013), “Connectingstrategy, open innovation and performance in SMEs”, In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. IATED, Barcelona – SPAIN, 1-3 July, 2013

Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2012), “Technology Transfer in the Italian Space Industry: Organizational Issues and Determinants”, Management Research Review, Vol.35, n. 4 , pp. 1-15,

Petroni G., Venturini K. and Verbano C. (2012), “Open innovation and new issues in R&D organization and personnel management”, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 147-173

Verbano C., Crema M. and Venturini K. (2011), “Integration and Selectivity in Open Innovation: an empirical analysis in SMEs”, in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, issue 59, Nov. 2011, pp.1106-1114

Venturini K., Verbano C. and Matsumoto M. (2011), “Space Technology transfer: evidences from Japan”, in : (a cura di): Torres IC; Chova LG; Martinez AL , ICERI2011 Proceedings. p. 5192-5204, Madrid: IATED – International Association of Technology, Education and Development

Crema M., Venturini K. and Verbano C. (2011), “Open Innovation profiles in Italian manufacturing companies”, In: e-Proceedings of the 14th Uddevalla Symposium 2011 &Third International Symposium, University of Bergamo, Italy, 16-18th June 2011

Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2011), “Development Paths of Risk Management: approaches, methods and fields of application”, Journal of Risk Research, 14(5-6), pp. 519 – 550

Cantarello S., Nosella A., Petroni G. and Venturini K. (2011), “External technology sourcing: evidence from cases of design-driven innovation”, Management Decision, 49(6), pp. 962 983

Venturini K., Verbano C. and Salmaso L. (2010), “Open Innovation in Firms Located in the Republic of San Marino”, Rent XXIV – Research In entrepreneurship and small business, “The Entrepreneurial Process in a Changing Economy”, Proceedings CD, Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 18-19, 2010

Verbano C., Venturini K. and Bigliardi B. (2010), “Organization and determinants of technology transfer in Space industry”, International Conference of Education Research and Innovation, Proceedings CD, Madrid 15-17th Nov., 2010

Petroni G., Venturini K. and Santini S. (2010), “Space technology transfer policies: learning from scientific satellite case studies, Space Policy, 26(2), pp. 39-52 (Top 25 Hottest Articles Social Science)

Venturini K. and Verbano C. (2009), “The Adoption of Laser Technology in Italian Art Restoration Firms: The Role of Suppliers and Clients” Journal of Current Issues in Finance, Business and Economics, Vol.2, No. 2/3, pp. 113-138.

Verbano C., Venturini K. and Brancia A. (2009), “Knowledge Management supporting the development of small and medium enterprises: a case study”, International Conference of Education Research and Innovation Proceedings CD, Madrid 16-18th Nov., 2009

Petroni G., Verbano C., Venturini K. and Cantarello S. (2009), Discovering the basic strategic orientation of big Space Agencies, Space Policy, 25 (1), pp. 45-62

Verbano C., Nosella A., Venturini K. and Turra F. (2009), “Addressing R&D investment decisions: a critical review and comparison of R&D project selection methods”, in Braet J. (edited by), 4thECEI Conference Proceedings, Antwerp (Belgium), 10-11 September 2009, Reading (England): Academic Conferences Ltd

Verbano C., Venturini K., Petroni G., Nosella A. (2008), “Characteristics of Italian art restoration firms and factors influencing their adoption of laser technology”, Journal od Cultural Economics, Vol. 32, p. 3-34

Petroni G., Venturini K., Verbano C. (2007), “L’innovazione tecnologica nelle imprese di restauro dei beni artistico-culturali: l’introduzione della tecnologia laser”, Riunione Scientifica annuale AiIG, Milan 11–12 ottobre 2007

Petroni G., Venturini K., Verbano C. (2008), “Towards open innovation: a new approach in the management of scientists and engineers”, In: Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference 2008

Cantarello S., Nosella A., Petroni G. and Venturini K. (2007), “The governance modes for external technology sourcing during new product development stages: evidence from cases of design-driven innovation”, Brussels: EIASM, 2007, 14th International Product Development Management Conference, Porto (Portugal), 11-12 June 2007, pp. 957-968.

Petroni G., Turra F., Verbano C., Venturini K. (2006), “The adoption of laser technology by art restoration firms”, European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Ministry of Research, Paris 16-17 November 2006, pp.177-192.

Book Contributions

Nosella A., Petroni G., Venturini K. (January 2010), Analysing the Internal Environment. Competencies, stakeholders. CASE: Gavazzi Space in “Business Strategy in Context” by Neil Thomson and Charles Baden-Fuller, Cass Business School, London. Publisher Blackwell.

Venturini K., Verbano C. (2010), “The adoption of laser technology in Italian art Restoration firms: the role of suppliers and clients” in chapter 18, pp.469-495 of Nolin Tomas P.(edited by) Handbook of Regional Economics, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Crema M. Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2011) “Open innovation profiles in Italian manufacturing companies”. In: Bernhard T. Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and Transformation of Regions. vol. 5, p. 203-224, TROLLHATTAN: Research Reports of University of Trollhattan.

Crema M., Verbano C. and Venturini K. (2013) “Open innovation profiles in Italian manufacturing companies”, In: (a cura di): Karlsson C; Johansson B, Stough R, Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and the Transformation of Regions. p. 68-96, London and New York: Routerledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Verbano C., Wasser A., Lincoln M., Venturini K., “Managing resources in the generation and development of research based spinoffs: evidences from Israeli ICT CASES” in “University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness”, edited by D. Audretsch, E. Lehmann, M. Meoli and S. Vismara, Springer.

Interessi di ricerca

Gestione dell’innovazione, design driven innovation, trasferimento tecnologico, start up e spinoff, reti tra imprese.